Sunday, September 28, 2014

Doctor Who S08E06

Doctor Who S08E06

This has probably one of the most mind-blowing episodes in this season because not only the battle to save Coal Hill from the imminent doom caused by a menacing robot called the Skovox Blitzer but it's the fateful encounter between The Doctor, Clara Oswald, and Danny Pink that got the viewers amazed.

Looks like The Doctor encountered himself a new gadget and it's an invisibility watch. At the touch of the bottom, the wearer will render him into stealth camouflage, but that gadget's too much when the Blitzer heavily spotted The Doctor empty-handed.

However, the Blitzer follow orders without question and while The Doctor managed to imitate as its superior using a clever gadget he made, he managed to shut the Blitzer down by command and send it back to space.

That episode really is action-packed and looks like that love story between Clara and Danny is starting to come unraveled.

Here's the BTS from this episode:


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