Thursday, February 16, 2012

Room 3181 at Seattle Central

Hi! It's me, Leopaul.

On Room 3181 of the Seattle Central Community College (the study room) There was actually a different kind of wall that really won't let you into trouble.

In old times, most teenagers commonly using markers to vandalize the walls of school property and the authorities are getting mad at those who did it. On that Room 3181, there was a wall that you can write whatever you want but you can clean it with a cloth. This is some kind of Engineering Connection. A special kind of wall that was inherited from the white board. I find this wall very special because that wall will not turn me into a vandal for writing on walls. It's very convenient though but I have to tell you that only water-based markers will work on Room 3181's wonder wall because put that with a permanent marker and that's vandalism to you.

Now who would have thought of that kind of Engineering Connection?

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