Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No candle during brownout? Leave it to Alpha Beth!

Another Alpha Beth episode on the February 1 episode of Banana Split Daily Servings! When the couple forgot the candle during the brownout, this is the job for Alpha Beth, the superhero who has a letter to solve problems! The word is "HANDLE", then replace the letter H with the letter C and ta-da! It's a "CANDLE"!

Also, Kuya Art, the Art Throb shows us how to make the Statue of Liberty with the use of clay and water. Heh, guess the Art Throb's messing the clay until it becomes the Statue of Liberty!

I almost forgot! Up to the day to celebrate Chinese New Year 2011, the Nuno sa Feng Shui gave us tips from Monday to Friday on the Banana Split spoof of TV Patrol, called Ang TV (doo wa diddy di di dum di di doo) Patrol!

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