Monday, March 10, 2014

Wow Mali Pa Rin - 3/9/2014

In the March 9, 2014 episode of Wow Mali Pa Rin...

- I-AYYY! - It's the letter I! Head for cover!

- WALA BA KAYO MGA KAMAY? - Need a hand? I'll give you a hand. No really. A hand!

- OH, CAM ON! - In this week's OH, CAM ON!, Boy Muscle is making a hassle in the line!

- SELFIE SIGA - Tough guy's looking for the right place to SELFIE!

- BLOWER POWDER - Introducing...Hair Dryer with Glutawhite!

- PAKARGA - Need a lift, ma'am?

- FLUFFY - "Look at my puppy! So cute! BOO!"

- CALL NI IDOL - In this week's CALL NI IDOL, do you believe in luck? Celebrity guest Tuesday Vargas pulls a prank to an unlucky one in FENG SHUI PUSOY.

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