Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alpha Bert didn't bring any letters. Now what?

Turn HIKAW into HIKA!

Jobert as Alpha Bert sprung into action on the March 30 episode of Banana Split Daily Servings! Unfortunately, Alpha Bert forgot to bring some letters, making a battle against a thief more complicating, resulting to an unexpected freeze moment. After the freeze moment, Alpha Bert come up with a plan. Use a woman's earring and give it to the thief. You know that the Tagalog for earring is "hikaw" right? The word for the day is HIKAW. Alpha Bert managed to remove the letter W to the HIKAW word, resulting the word turned into HIKA. Therefore, the thief got suffered from asthma! KA-POW! Another impossible case solved. You're a real superhero, Alpha Bert! ^^

Magic Singh kicked Rasheed's butt always!
This time, Rasheed can't see because
Magic Singh poked him! LOLZ

Looks like Jayson Gainza, as Magic Singh, kicked Rasheed's butt again! This time, he poked Rasheed's eyes, resulting him to blindness!


(Way to cheered me up, Banana Split! I love this show!) ^^

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